TIG Dynamics

TIG Dynamics, present in all serie 3 TP DC machines. It allows that, when there is a variation of the distance between the TIG welding torch and the workpiece, there is a compensation in terms of power of the machine to maintain the same thermal delivery.

COLWIRE (Cold Wire) – TIG welding wire feeder

TIG welding feeder that allows the addition of wire over the bath
with tig welding intermittently or continuously. Reduce costs with addition material thanks to the lack of material waste, productivity gain and quality due to a consistent and fast material addition, faithfully reproducing the movement of the welder’s hand.
Suitable for manual, automatic or
orbital TIG welding applications on thin or thick metalsheets, pipes and refill. Suitable for steel, stainless steel
aluminium alloys, titanium, from 0.8 to 1.2 mm, in 5kg,15 kg spool or large wire packs.

MIG conventional vs MIG MecaPulse

MecaPulse system for low heat continuous welding with less workpiece distortion and excellent gap bridging of thin plates. Great reduce of wire and energy consumption. Present in MIG/MAG DIGIT II, SYNERGIC II and LTRONIC SYNERGIC machines.